Sunday, February 14, 2016

easy wood projects - A Satisfying Click

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Tanno San doesnt see himself as a woodworker and says that his workshop does not look like that of a craftsman. But it is very obvious that his work is that of a dedicated and meticulous designer/maker. Tanno Sans work with it’s intricate detail and spring loaded catches which provide such a satisfying click inspired us all at The Centre for Fine Woodworking.

“One should find his own ideas/designs. We all have them inside us we just need to search within ourselves for them and find a way to draw them out”. - Tanno San

How do you do this?, Tanno San believes that simply putting pen to paper is not the answer, whilst it is very important he believes the best way to find and develop new ideas is to get making. Play, graft, explore! Nothing triggers a new idea better than the tactile 3 dimensional experience that is simply putting one piece of wood next to another.

Tanno San with the aid of a SCM Overhead router affectionately named Vincenzo and some Jarrah(Eucalyptus marginata) demonstrated how to make a simple box hinge which he designed some years ago. 

Tanno San hopes to return to New Zealand next year to once again share his passion for making and teaching with The Centre for Fine Woodworking. From everyone at The Centre thanks Tanno San for sharing with us your brilliance and wisdom.

Pencil Box

Jarrah hinge.
Cam Jig which Tanno San uses to hold hinge piece while drilling a hole with the overhead router.

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