Monday, February 15, 2016

easy wood projects - Fine Woodworkings Furniture 102 Contemporary Designs

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easy wood projects

Its been on the newstand for a while now, but Id be remiss if I didnt comment on Fine Woodworkings Furniture: 102 Contemporary Designs. The editor Scott Gibsons introduction acknowledges Tauntons Design Book series and its defunct magazine Home Furniture as inspirations for this edition. I loved Home Furniture. Youd have to pull my collection of them out of my cold, dead hands.  I wonder if, with magazines like Dwell and ReadyMade seemingly doing well, it would have a fighting chance today... Home Furniture, on some level, was one of the inspirations for Furnitude.

I like a lot of the furniture theyve selected for this edition.  With a few notable exceptions, the designs are interesting, forward- and backward-looking and beautifully executed. I will say that pieces incorporating MDF and plywood dont, in my opinion, belong here. For me, they take the "fine" out of fine furniture even though the work is certainly fine. (They certainly wouldnt pass the Frank Klausz test.) Thats just my own opinion and not an argument I want to start (gulp).

Im delighted to see that several makers Ive featured in Furnitude appear in the collection, including Timothy Coleman (three pieces), Tyler Chartier, Jeff Miller, Curtis Buchanan, Jennifer Anderson (two pieces) and Pat Morrow. Represent!

I write Furnitude to promote handmade furniture, so Im not really interested in criticizing -- only looking critically at furniture. That said, the only thing I can say about the chicken table is: No. (One of the good things about writing a blog is that you can openly contradict yourself!) The pieces I love from this issue (aside from those by folks already featured on Furnitude) are Tony Kenways rocking chair, Kathys Chair by Scott King, the Walton NE chair by Peter Thompson, Ross Table by Bob Kopf, Core Sample 10 by Matt Hutton and Jason Schneiders Tall Chest. Believe me, Ill be contacting these folks and others in the edition about featuring their work on Furnitude. (Please note that Ive included the web links instead of photos because I dont have the rights or permissions.)

There are many other inspired pieces, so I highly recommend Furniture: 102 Contemporary Designs and look forward to next years edition.

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