Friday, February 19, 2016

easy wood projects - Lambs and horses

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

By Natasha Courtney

Weve now finished chair making and desk/table making - more about that to come.  Now on a well deserved two week break, I have time to appreciate all the cute little spring lambs jumping around and bleating and I couldnt resist a few pictures.  We are lucky to have the school in such a scenic location.

Jeff has a new addition to our family at the centre for fine woodworking, Linda the saw horse.  I havent had a go on her yet, but I will do soon.  Jeff used her to shape the arms and backs of his chairs.

If you havent seen it yet, Jeff has made a short video about a typical day at the school - its here on youtube to view
After the holidays were on the final 10 week push until the end of the course.  Time flies when youre having fun...

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