Monday, February 22, 2016

easy wood projects - National Woodskills Competition CFW Students Shine

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

From the 11 to the 13th of September The National Woodskills Competition was held in Kawerau. This annual competition is widely regarded as one of New Zealand’s top three wood crafting events and comprises a judged exhibition of wood crafts across twelve categories, including furniture and cabinet making, carving, wood turning and models.

CFW student work was carefully boxed up and sent north to Kawerau care of a very trust worthy tutor with a not so trust worthy van. All was well though and all the pieces arrived safely and were very well received by all who visited the event.

Some personal highlights for the school were the efforts of full-time students Adam Webb and Tony Clark who together took out the first three awards.

Adam Webb with his Hallway Table which won 1st Prize.
Tony Clark with his Chair which won 3rd Prize.

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