Tuesday, February 23, 2016

easy wood projects - A marquetry poem

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Once upon a time, you may not think its true,
we were learning about marquetry. it could happen to you.
ooh with a jigsaw is something you might say,
but no, we were doing it a whole other way

 No saws were used but we cut with a knife.
 When we got started it was quite a strife.

We first made the plywood by which the marquetry will be held,
Not sure about the glue though. it kind of smelled.

With boxes prepared and lids ready to go the students got started
what theyll make, who can know.

Tash made boxes which flew from a box.
Then on the inside you can see where it flocks.

Jeff made this one. It took him a while.
But you can see who made it, its exactly his style.

Then when at last the inside was done,
Graham put in his chisels while I had barely begun.

I would show you more pictures but we are in short supply,
So, Im afraid I must say by-by.

This has been a story by Ben van Ginkel.

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