Tuesday, March 22, 2016

easy wood projects - What a pearler!

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

There were smiles and hugs a plenty last Monday afternoon when up the driveway walked ex-student and gold-panner extraordinaire, Lachlan Park. Having just returned from almost a year travelling in Europe, Lachie had many a funny tale of woodworkers from across the continent.

He spent a week with us before returning to his homelands of Australia. It felt as if hed never left - there was even his jar of Nesquik and a bag of corn thins still sitting on the fridge from last summer..
Most woodworkers would be able to sypathise with the fact that Lachie couldnt resist bringing back back a few tools from his travels. He gave this double edged blade some love and attention, and made a nice handle out of a piece of rippled red beech..

The saw came from someones shed in Scotland who had quite a collection of odds and ends. From the amount of rust on it, it had been there for a wee while.. but Ron at the market waved his magic wand, and a few days later it was returned to the workshop rust-free and pretty, pretty sharp.

When we asked Lachie why hed backpacked with a rusty old saw for months, he smiled and pointed at the kangaroo..


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