Monday, March 21, 2016

easy wood projects - To the Editor of the New York Times

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

I just submitted the following letter to the New York Times. I dont know if theyll publish it, so I thought Id include it here:

RE: "Obamas Give Queen Elizabeth an iPod"

To the Editor:

In giving the Queen of England an iPod, President Obama missed a valuable opportunity. Instead of giving a gadget mass-produced overseas, why not showcase the exceptional range of American artistic talent by giving heads of state works of art such as pottery, sculpture, textiles, painting or woodworking? Perhaps the White House could sponsor a juried competition to find works of American art that would serve as future diplomatic gifts. Such a competition would help artists in a particularly art-unfriendly economy, show the world the brilliance of American craft that has always reflected the spirit of its people and help President Obama find the perfect gift for the head of state who has everything.

Mitch Roberson
Nashville, TN

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